Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Love Letter From Myrtle to Tom

Dear Tom,

It seems to me that we haven’t touched in a while. A pity, since I miss you dearly. Wilson is being just a complete annoyance. I can't stand this dull marriage any more. I regret my marriage every single day. I thought he was a gentleman, like I have told you before. He is so cheap and a complete lie from what I had thought of him to be. Eleven, long lonely, trapped years of living in that garage with a man I do not love. It was you Tom, it was you who I fell deeply in love with. 

I miss you, Tom. I miss the excitement, the passion, the romance we have. I love your generosity. That dog you bought me, Wilson would have never been so keen to my spontaneity. You accept me for the person I am. I may just be a mistress in your eyes, but in my eyes, I am your escape. Your guilty pleasure. To me,  your big, open arms are my escape from my troubles. I love to get away from that horrible place. The city and all its excitement was meant for me. You were meant for me. You make me feel thrilling, and I feel alive when I am with you. Your big, tough nature. Your handsome features. Your toughness. It is everything I am attracted to. You may be a tad on the rough side on occasion, but I accept you for you. Your flaws are what make you human, and as a woman, I accept them completely. Oh, how I wish I had met you before my loaf of a husband. Take me away Tom. Leave Daisy and take me. Take me away with all the happiness you bring me. I love you.

Love always,


  1. Dear Myrtle,

    I was hoping to hear from you and plan to see you again soon. Whenever we meet it is always exciting and eventful. You take my boring old life and transform it into an adventure filled with champagne and cocktail parties. With you I can do all the things I would never be able to with Daisy and it is you that makes my life bearable. Daisy is always so uptight and stiff but she never knows how to have a good time the way you do. At our home all we do is sit down, talk politely, and drink tea with a few guest. I spend most of my time reading my books in order to get away from this dry, menotonous routine. I long for for the day we meet again. On that day the sparks will fly, the fireworks will light up the sky, and I can finally feel alive once more.I need that escape just as much as you do Myrtle.

    It seems as though we are both stuck in marriages that will never fully satisfy us. Wallace is just a shell of a man and Daisy regards herself so highly that she feels she's above drinking and partying. Sometimes marriage can get too stale and old and only when I am with you do I feel young and fresh again. You always seem to have a passionate fire in you that Daisy lacks and I need that fire to ignite my life.


  2. Myrtle, this letter is great, it really does describe me so well, you're so good at that! And i appreciate the way you feel about me, i'm glad. I think you're cool too.
